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Results: 126

‘Integrated Guidance Model Handbook’ of the project Beyond NEET(D)s

Within the Erasmus+ project Beyond NEET(D)s implemented in Austria, Cyprus, Portugal, Italy and Czech Republic, which aimed to support the most vulnerable subgroups of unavailable or disengaged persons who are...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Austria English German Document E-learning platform Website

A Pedagogy of Mentorship: Removing Academic Shame by Helping Students Reach Their Goals, Not Ours

This article describes in a every lively matter how pedagogy could take on a mentorship like approach and therefore become less “unyielding, uniform, mechanical nature of traditional”. Although this article...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Not available English Article/blog Website

A Place for Youth in Mediterranean EEA: Resilient and Sharing Economies for NEET - YouthShare project

The YouthShare project has been implemented in Greece, Cyprus, Spain and Italy and its aim was to contribute to the reduction of youth unemployment in coastal and island regions of...
Projects Greece English Document E-learning platform Video Website

Academia do Johnson - Fighting all forms of social exclusion

Academia do Johnson is an NGO, that aims to promote human development and well-being, through personalised support to children and young people from fragile family and social contexts, as well...
Projects Portugal Portuguese Website

Academia Faz acontecer - Make it happen in life and/or in business

Academia Faz Acontecer promotes the development of personal and professional skills in young people, such as resilience, leadership, proactivity, critical thinking and positive communication, inspiring and empowering the youth to...
Projects Portugal Portuguese Website

Action Plan for digital transitions in higher education 2021-2025 [Strategi for digital omstilling i universitets- og høyskolesektoren 2021-2025]

Government action plan for Norwegian universities and colleges to improve the knowledge and understanding necessary to take advantage of the opportunities digital solutions provide. This includes adaptations institutions can make...
Policy papers Norway Norwegian Website

Adulting at Work: Transition Skills for Finding Employment

Adulting at Work can be used as a guide for a college class or in an informal learning setting. It provides a foundation for helping emerging adults learn about their...
Tools and resources USA English Document

Ask an expert: How we can we help children develop their digital skils?

This webinar highlights the importance of digital skills in education, and how these skills can empower children in both their academic and daily life.
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches OECD English Video


B-MENTOR project seeks to contribute to improve the level of skills and competences of both new entrepreneurs in the sector and experienced managers, taking advantage of the potential and knowledge...
Projects Spain English Greek Italian Polish Spanish Turkish Website

Big Brother Big Sister E-Mentoring programme

The National Youth Development Organization has developed and promotes an e-Mentoring programme which connects young people with mentors through digital media. 1 hour per week is their premise.
Good practices Ireland English Website

BRIDGES, not Walls – Migration in Dialogue

This project identifies and challenges these barriers by providing young people, NGOs & social movements with tools to enable access to diverse communities in their governance and actions (via e-Learning...
Projects Ireland English EU project Website


Its main objective is to help young people access the labour market, creating the first professional ecosystem in Spain that places the aims, values and Sustainable Development Goals at the...
Projects Spain Spanish Website

Career Centers [Karrieresentre]

Website with a list of county/municipal career centers that provide free guidance to anyone over the age of 19, on career and education choices, finding employment and working life; list...
Tools and resources Norway Norwegian Website

Career Counselling and Career Management Services

The Youth Board of Cyprus (YBC) runs the Career Counselling Service and aims to provide youngsters with guidance and information in order to help them make career decisions and support...
Good practices Cyprus English Greek Website

Career Guidance Forum []

An online resource for career guidance professionals. is managed by the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir). Includes research, theoretical and practical tools.
Tools and resources Norway Norwegian Website

Carmichael Mentoring Programme

This mentoring programme is specifically addressing CEOs and managers of non-profit organizations. This is how the programme is described by the organization in charge: Being the leader of an organisation...
Good practices Ireland English Mentoring programme Website

Children, Youth and Media in the Digital Age

In the digital age in which we live, children and young people are taking an active role in their relationship with the media, and the vision of passive, helpless consumers...
Tools and resources Portugal Portuguese Document

Class Central

An online platform which includes various mentoring courses
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Not available English Website

COVID, technology and climate change: How are societal trends shaping the future of education?

This webinar provides information in regards to how social, political , technological and other trends can be used to prepare us for different scenarios
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches OECD English Document

CriaAtividade: Problem Solvers em Ação

The CriAtividade®: Problem Solvers em Ação programme is a set of experiences that promote learning through creativity, qualification & mentoring and challenges & activities, in full collaborative immersion, at national...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Portugal Portuguese Website

Cyprus-National Digital Strategy 2020-2025

This policy paper consists of the Digital Strategy for Cyprus 2020-2025 which was adopted in June 2020. This strategy is coordinated by the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital...
Policy papers Cyprus English Greek Document

DARE – Day one Alliance for Employment

DARE– Day One Alliance for Employment” contributed towards the specific objective of the ‘EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment’ “strengthening transnational cooperation to address European challenges in the...
Projects Cyprus English Social network

De Mulher para Mulher – Feminist mentoring programme

De Mulher para Mulher (dMpM) is a feminist mentoring programme that aims to motivate young women to become more politically and civically involved in the defence of gender equality and...
Good practices Portugal Portuguese Website

Developing literacy skills in a digital world: New findings from PISA

This webinar emphasises the importance of being aware of the credibility of sources in digital world. Due to the flexibility of finding everything on the Internet it is important for...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches OECD English Video

Digital Mentor: Together for a Job [Sammen om en jobb]

Fully digital mentor program which pairs immigrants and refugees with higher education together with volunteers that have experience with the Norwegian labor market.
Projects Norway Norwegian Website

Digital Security and Confidence Plan

The Digital Security and Confidence Plan by Junta de Castilla y León in the educational sphere promotes the digital literacy of all members of the educational community, informing, training and...
Policy papers Spain Spanish Document

Digital Youth Worker

Digital Youth Work, means proactively using or addressing digital media and technology in youth work. Digital Youth work is not a youth work method but instead it can be included...
Projects Spain Bulgarian English German Greek Italian Spanish Website

DigMentor (Digital Mentoring Sessions [Digitale mentormøter])

Free online course developed by the University of Bergen. Intended for potential e-mentors. Provide:s an overview of different platforms or technical resources; tips and insight into relationship-building in a digital...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Norway Norwegian Website

E-Mentoring – Supplement to “Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring”

This is a supplement to the publication “Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring”. As such it entirely focusses on providing valuable information for designing and implementing mentoring programmes with the...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches USA English Document Website

E-mentoring Supplement guide to the Elements of effective practice for mentoring

The E-mentoring supplement is dedicated to recommending additional and enhanced practices beyond those offered in the Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring (EEPM). This supplement was developed by MENTOR and...
Policy papers USA English Document

Educational Mentoring

This paper published in Supervision 21, journal of education and inspection, talks about the mentoring as an educational strategy can form part of the change in the educational paradigm that...
Policy papers Spain Spanish Document

Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring

This publication “The Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring”, details research-informed and practitioner-approved Standards for creating and sustaining quality youth mentoring programs and consequently, impactful mentoring relationships. This is the...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches USA English Website

Employment Map

Virtual tool with resources and activities to guide the career path, providing the necessary coordinates to decide which career path to follow. It allows mentors working with young people to...
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Website

EPSA Mentoring project

The EPSA (European Pharmaceutical Student’s Association) Mentoring Project is a project that aims to establish a bond between current professionals and students in order to provide them with the career...
Projects Ireland English Website

Escola de superpoderes – mentoring and nurturing talents of young people at risk of social exclusion

Escola de superpoderes – mentoring and nurturing talents of young people at risk of social exclusion The Escola de Superpoderes (Superpowers School) is a space where anyone can discover their...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Portugal Portuguese Website

Escola Segunda Oportunidade (Second Chance School)

This project is the portuguese representation of the European Network of Second Chance Schools (E2C-Europe) that offers a new training opportunity to young people, encouraging the development of their potential....
Projects Portugal Portuguese Website

European Mentoring Summit 2022

The European Mentoring Summit (EMS) 2022 directly contributes to the goals and objectives of the European Year of Youth of listening, engaging, and promoting concrete opportunities for the young in...
Good practices Netherlands English Document Social network Video Website

Experiences and Needs of Multicultural Youth and Their Mentors, and Implications for Digital Mentoring Platforms: Qualitative Exploratory Study

This study aimed to gather information in regards to the needs of multicultural youth mentees and the experiences of their mentors and how these can be improved through digital support.
Tools and resources Norway English Document

Faz Acontecer – Meetings with inspiring people who have created their businesses and make it happen

The TV series "Faz Acontecer" seeks to inspire young people by showcasing success stories from the North to the South of Portugal, as the host conducts interviews with people who...
Tools and resources Portugal Portuguese Video

Faz-te forward - Value what you can do and move into the job market

Faz-Te Forward is a tailor-made training programme that aims to contribute to a greater employability and socio-professional inclusion of young people, focusing on three differentiating factors in job search: transversal...
Projects Portugal Portuguese Website

Future Ready Mentoring

United Way Spain in collaboration with Salesforce and thanks to their volunteers, develop this mentoring programme in which unemployed young people, who are part of the YMCA employment programmes, are...
Good practices Spain Spanish Website

Games of Phone – WebQuest Learning for NEETS

The project developed a collection of educational materials and resources in order to support adult educators to address the needs of the most difficult to access ‘Sustained’ NEETs who might...
Projects Ireland English Greek Hungarian Italian Portuguese Spanish Document E-learning platform Video Website

Generation Talent

This programme focuses on meeting the needs of young people prepared to face the labour and economic transformation that our society is undergoing, in which new professions are appearing every...
Good practices Spain Spanish Website

Global Changemakers

Global Changemakers is a pioneer in supporting youth-led sustainable development with work centers around enhancing the capacity of young people to develop and implement their own solutions to global challenges....
Projects United Kingdom English Website

Green Mentor

GREEN MENTOR project aims to design and elaborate innovative VET contents and products to encourage the new professional profile of Mentor for Green Entrepreneurs, identifying and developing the competences, methodologies...
Projects Spain English German Hungarian Spanish Website

Growth Mindset for Mentors

This is a toolkit for mentors to help understand growth mindset. It is intended to support mentors to apply growth mindset strategies in the challenges youth and young adults face....
Tools and resources USA English Website

Guia de idearias - Creative guide to youth employment

Gathering contributions from 58 people, the IDEARIA guide is a tool for sharing and reflecting on the experience of the IDEARIA project, which sought in an innovative way to enhance...
Tools and resources Portugal Portuguese Document

Guide for Mentors [Veileder for mentorer]

A handbook for mentors developed by the Centre for Equality (Likestillingssenteret )that includes an overview of key concepts, best practices, activities, tips, and additional resources.
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Norway Norwegian Document Website

Guide to Mentoring Boys and Young Men of Color

This Guide serves as a supplement to the Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring (EEPM) and includes additional recommended practices focusing on boys and young men of color (BYMOC). These...
Policy papers USA English Document

Guide: Service learning and social inclusion

A guide that provides answers to key questions about social inclusion processes and service learning. It contains reflections, proposals, challenges, examples and testimonies of useful educators, for professionals and technicians...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Spain English Document

Guidelines for professional peer-coaching

How to become a good mentor for young people (18+) working as nurses, social workers and teachers is a handbook with learning materials for face to face blended-learning training course...
Tools and resources Romania Bulgarian Czech English Lithuanian Slovenian Document

Gulbenkian Knowledge Academies

The Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (FCG) launched the Academias Gulbenkian Conhecimento (Gulbenkian Knowledge Academies) in May 2018, with the objetive of promoting skills so that today's children and young people are...
Good practices Portugal Portuguese Website

How to Start a Mentoring Program

This website provides abundant information and instructions on how to start a mentorship programme. The process is a five step approach: - Design the programme - Attract participants - Connect...
Tools and resources USA English Website

In Service Training Programme Handbook of the Erasmus+ project CURSOR – Crafting Career Roadmaps

The project CURSOR aims to tackle youth unemployment and social exclusion. It provides completely new career planning framework where young Europeans are supported to acquire and develop the necessary skills...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Cyprus English Greek Polish Romanian Document Video Website

INTEGRA-Supporting Youth Ageing out of Care

The INTEGRA project is funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union. The aim of the project is to provide professionals working in residential care with...
Projects Cyprus English Greek Italian Portuguese Spanish E-learning platform Website

Interview on the impact of mentoring on young people's career development

Discussion about experiences in different mentoring programmes, mutual learning as mentor and mentee and the main contributions of mentoring to improving the employability of young people: self-knowledge, contextual intelligence, meta-competential...
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Interview Video

Job X [JobbX]

National career center for unemployed youth between the ages of 15-30, with a particular emphasis on minority groups. They offer individual career guidance counselling, a variety of free courses and...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Norway Norwegian Website Mentor Tools [Mentorverktøy]

Tools that include a list of tips for mentors, including providing an introduction to working life and conversation topics. is a mentorship programme for enterprises in the Norwegian municipitalities...
Tools and resources Norway Norwegian Website

Labour Market Policies to Fight Youth Unemployment in Portugal: Between Statism and Experimentalism

The 6th chapter of the book The Growing Challenge of Youth Unemployment in Europe & US: A Cross-Cultural Perspective coordinated by Radha Jagannathan is dedicated to the labour market policies...
Policy papers Portugal English Website

Le Chéile Mentoring

Le Chéile Mentoring is a national, volunteer mentoring and family support service, which works with young people and their families, where the young person is involved in or at risk...
Good practices Ireland English Mentoring programme Website

LGBTQ+ Supplement guide to the Elements of effective practice for mentoring

There is a growing recognition in the mentoring field that the failure to provide thoughtful, responsive, and inclusive programming leaves LGBTQ+ youth at risk for additional harm each time they...
Policy papers USA English Document

Likestilling inkludering nettverk (LIN) [Equality, Inclusion and Network (LIN)]

Mentoring program which matches employment-seeking individuals with a mentor within their relevant field.
Good practices Norway Norwegian Website

Mentes Empreendedoras (Entrepreneurial Minds)

The Mentes Empreendedoras (Entrepreneurial Minds) programme is aimed at young people in secondary education who, through an experiential training model, develop leadership, autonomy and talent skills, activating the potential to...
Projects Romania Portuguese Website

MENTO: Mentorprogram

Mentor program for youth 16 years and older living in the Oslo burrough Gamle Oslo. It also includes workshops with themes such as working life, educational opportunities and personal finances.
Projects Norway Norwegian Website

Mentor Plus

Mentor+ is focused on designing an intervention of non-formal education, offering the mentoring methodology to engage, connect and empower young people in conflict with the law. The main idea is...
Projects Ireland English Website

Mentor’s guide to youth purpose

The Mentor’s guide to youth purpose consists of a guide written directly for mentors to read and explore, along with a set of 15 worksheets that they can use not...
Policy papers USA English Document


A book by Jennybeth Ekeland about the collaboration between mentee and mentor, and how to carry out effective mentoring programmes. Based on research, theory and practical experience- offers best practice...
Tools and resources Norway Norwegian Document Website

Mentoring and the Digital Environment: Uses and Risks

Training webinar on the uses and risks of the digital environment applied to mentoring. With presentations by Sandra Gómez, from the Fundació Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, and Pep Oliveras, from...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Spain Spanish Video

Mentoring code of ethics and good conduct

The Code of Ethics and Good Conduct (CEGC) of the Associação Portuguesa de Mentoring (APMENTOR) guides the actions of its members, establishing guidelines on ethics and professional conduct for those...
Policy papers Portugal Portuguese Document

Mentoring for migrant youth in education

This handbook has been developed as part of the Sirius European Network of Educational Support Projects, as a form of providing information in regards to the organisation of mentoring programs...
Tools and resources Bulgaria English Document

Mentoring Handbook

Mentoring, and specifically, mentoring processes at university level, constitute an effective innovative tool to meet the support and guidance needs of university students. The methodology used in EKS Mentoring is...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Spain Spanish Document

Mentoring Policy for Students on School Placement (Trinity College Dublin)

This is a policy paper by the Marino Institute of Education which is an associated college of the Trinity Collage Dublin. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that...
Policy papers Ireland English Document

Mentoring programs in the time of corona: How to achieve good digital solutions? [Mentorordninger i koronaens tid: Hvordan få til gode digitale ordninger?]

First webinar in a webinar series hosted by the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (Diku) on mentoring that addresses questions about challenges and opportunities...
Good practices Norway Norwegian Video Website

Mentoring Quality Seal

The MC Seal stems from an effort to systematize the existing quality standards, and from the experience and knowledge gathered by the Coordinadora de Mentoria Social in the field of...
Tools and resources Spain English French Spanish Website

Mentoring to reproduce or change discourse in school

This is the scientific work from a Master’s study by Jeanne Lonergan from the University of Limerick about the possibilities of mentoring particularly in schools. The abstract summarizes the article...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Ireland English Document Website

Mentoring to Work: Bridging the gap of the labour market for adult newcomers

The workshop 'Mentoring to Work: Bridging the gap of the labour market for adult newcomers' was led by Valérie Carrette and Carina Grosser-Kaya during the 2020 European Mentoring Summit.
Tools and resources Spain English Video

Mentors for Migrants Programme

The Mentors for Migrants Programme (MMP) is an initiative promoted by the Alto Comissariado para as Migrações (ACM) and carried out by local partners, at national level. It aims to...
Good practices Portugal Portuguese Website

Mentorship – a pedagogical method for integration of theory and practice in higher education

This article reports about a Swedish study about mentorship. The abstract describes it as follows: “Mentorship is a method that is used in both professional education and training and in...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Sweden English Document

Mentorship for Teacher Leaders

A set of research modules to help selected Teachers Without Borders members best prepare for their active role as mentors for those teachers participating in the five-course Certificate of Teaching...
Tools and resources USA English Document

Mentorship skills and career guidance learning materials and methodology for face to face youth blended-learning training course

Handbook with learning materials for face to face blended-learning training course on mentorship skills and career guidance. Trainers will be ale to use this handbook to implement an in-depth training...
Tools and resources Romania Bulgarian Czech English Lithuanian Romanian Slovenian Document

Mentorship Toolbox for artists

The Mentorship Toolbox includes tools for mentors, mentees, and for those who do not know. It includes activities intended to initiate and define relationships, agitate creative processes, and illuminate the...
Tools and resources Sweden English Document

Methodological Guide and Toolkit in Emotional Intelligence and Social Skills for Youth Workers of the Erasmus+ project WeGrow EQ Learning for Youth

The project WeGrow EQ Learning for Youth aims to support youth workers, youth trainers, youth leaders and mentors of young volunteers to ensure the social inclusion of all young people....
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Cyprus English Greek Italian Lithuanian Slovak Spanish Document E-learning platform Website

Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion: Official Norwegian Report 2021: 2 Competence, activity and income security—Measures for increased employment [NOU 2021: 2 Kompetanse, aktivitet og inntektssikring— Tiltak for økt sysselsetting]

Government report from the Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion regarding measures for increased employment
Policy papers Norway Norwegian Document Website

MPOWER Youth Mentoring Program

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa’s MPOWER Youth Mentoring Program for youth ages 15-24 support job/career readiness: Resume, cover letter, interviews etc. Mentor and mentees meet 8-10 hours/month for a...
Projects Canada English Website

Mullany E-Mentoring

The Mullany Fund’s e-mentoring programme is for youth between ages of 14-19, matched someone who is either studying or working in a life science area. Provide support and advice in...
Projects United Kingdom English Welsh Website

My Life [Mitt Liv]

Sweden’s largest mentoring program for individuals with a foreign background and post-secondary education who don’t have a job in their area of competence. Fully digital 4-month programs, about 2 hours...
Projects Sweden English Swedish Website

National mentoring programme

The Secretaria-Geral da Presidência do Conselho de Ministros (SGPCM), in accordance with its duties defined in its Strategic Plan (SP) 2021-2023, is addressing the multi-year objective of "enhancing innovation through...
Policy papers Portugal Portuguese Document

National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) Policy and Procedure

This paper describes the outline of the mentoring programme at the NUIG. It’s a comprehensive document which includes: • key actions to perform • the definition of mentoring • description...
Policy papers Ireland English Document

Official Norwegian Report 2016: 7. Norway in Transition- Career guidance counselling for individuals and society. [NOU 2016: 7. Norge i omstilling – karriereveiledning for individ og samfunn.]

Evaluation conducted by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research of a digital career guidance program. The Committee cites a need for further investment in this field, and deems it...
Policy papers Norway Norwegian Website

ONE to ONE united in diversity-EMBEP hand book

As a part of the EMBEP European project a handbook has been created with the main outcomes of the project, through workshops and project related activities. The aim of the...
Tools and resources Germany Italy Scotland Switzerland English Document

Our Future

A 6-month mentoring programme through the EY Foundation and Learning and Work Institute, which supports young people (aged 16-19) who face significant barriers to entering the labour market. Mentors are...
Projects United Kingdom English Document Website

PlusOne Mentoring

The PlusOne mentoring programme was launched in YMCA Dublin in March 2018 after the success of the PlusOne programme in YMCAs Scotland and Canada. Our aim is to provide a...
Good practices Canada Scotland English Mentoring programme Website

Policy recommendations for better regulation of the career guidance provided in adult education, project ‘Professional Orientation of Vulnerable Young People – PROVYP’

This is comparative report among the participant countries of the project PROVYP, which issues policy recommendations aiming to enforce career guidance policies in the project’s member states. The measures seek...
Policy papers Spain Bulgarian English German Greek Lithuanian Portuguese Spanish Document Website

Professional Orientation of Vulnerable Young People

The project seeks to promote upgrading and upskilling by providing vulnerable young people with career guidance and mentoring through an online platform. More specifically, it reflects the strengths and weaknesses...
Projects Spain Bulgarian English German Greek Italian Lithuanian Portuguese Spanish Document E-tool Website

Relational Dynamics in Youth Mentoring: A mixed-methods study

This study examines the benefits and limitations of the “Big Brother, Big Sister” mentoring programme (listed as a best practice). It analyses the results and intents to help understand the...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Ireland English Document

Resiliency at Work (R@W) by and for young people: Digital innovations that promote social inclusion, health and employment

By and for young people: Digital innovations that promote social inclusion, health and employment (2017-2020 international research project Catalysts was partner to. Among the goals: to better understand the effect...
Projects Norway Norwegian Website

SAGAZ - Master and Apprentice mentoring programme

SAGAZ is a programme to bring young people, who have finished the 12th grade, closer to companies. It is developed by Alento, a human resource management and consultancy company. SAGAZ...
Good practices Portugal Portuguese Website

Sapere Aude

Sapere Aude is a project conceived to demonstrate that, with a reduced and effective investment based on a structured volunteer program of social mentoring, along with the coordinated participation of...
Projects Spain English Website

Será que isto é para mim? - What drives young people to participate?

The booklet Será que isto é para mim? is one of the results of the project 15/25 Participa, a partnership between ComParte/Fundação Maria Rosa and Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, in which...
Tools and resources Portugal Portuguese Document

Sporty Mentor

SPORTY MENTOR PROJECT – Mentoring as a tool to motivate young people with challenging behaviours to adopt a healthy lifestyle and engage in sports SportyMentor Consortium is looking for a...
Projects Ireland English Website

Supporting new principals as leaders of learning through mentoring

This paper by Tiernan O’Donnell of the Maynooth University is a qualitative study to explore the experiences and perceptions of newly appointed principals in relation to the effectiveness of a...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Ireland English Document

Supporting the Transition from Education to Employment of Youth at Risk – STEER

The main objective of the STEER project was to design, deliver and test a comprehensive training programme for youth workers in transition planning. The acquired knowledge that youth workers received...
Good practices Cyprus English Greek Italian Portuguese Slovenian Document E-learning platform Video Website

Teach for Portugal - Leadership development programme

The Leadership Development Programme is paid, formative, professional and lasts for 2 years. In this programme, the Mentor works full-time in a school in a socio-economically disadvantaged context, accompanying one...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Portugal Portuguese Website

TELMS - Technology Enhanced Learning Mentoring Support

The TELMS project addresses the need for appropriate use of TEL within education provision and the facility to support the staff to embed this in the classroom. Whitin this project...
Projects Ireland English EU project Website

The B!G iDEA

This mentoring programme is dedicated to the young people in school or in their transition year. Its purpose is to inspire the creative mindset in young people in order to...
Good practices Ireland English Mentoring programme Website

The Coach Programme

The Coach Programme by Fundación Exit is a corporate volunteering initiative aimed at guiding and motivating socially vulnerable youth who have dropped out of school. It targets socially responsible companies...
Good practices Spain English Spanish Website

The Follow-Up Service [Oppfølgingstjenesten]

Information about The Follow-Up Service, and a list of links to each respective county’s Follow-Up Service webpage. The service collaborates with county, municipal and state agencies to provide support for...
Tools and resources Norway English Norwegian Website

The Mentor Handbook

The Mentor Handbook: A Practical Guide for VET Teacher Training' is a result of collective work of experts, practitioners, university lecturers initiated within the Cedefop’s Training of trainers network (TTNet)....
Tools and resources CEDEFOP English Document

The Minding Creative Minds mentoring programme

Minding Creative Minds is an organization to offer support to the Irish creative sector. They have come up with a mentoring programme specially serving people by matching mentors and mentees...
Good practices Ireland English Mentoring programme Website

The use of "tutoring" and "mentoring" tools: how do they help improve students' competences?

As part of the 1st Online Conference on Education in the 21st Century, this paper aims to raise awareness of some of the needs and challenges of the Teaching-Learning process....
Policy papers Spain Spanish Document

Title «På rett hylle? Mentoring som en vei inn i arbeidslivet: En undersøkelse av IMDis mentor- og traineeordning» [“On the right shelf? Mentoring as a way into employment. A review of IMDi's mentoring and trainee scheme”]

A report released by Fafo Research Foundation evaluating the mentor and trainee programs run by the Norwegian Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi). The report identifies four success factors; the...
Good practices Norway Norwegian Document Website

Together mentoring and networking programme

The UN ‘Together mentoring and networking programme’ allows UN staff from all levels and backgrounds to mentor, connect and learn from each other. It involves an external platform which is...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches United Nations English Website

Transnational Report on the impact of employment policies on young NEETs: tackling youth disengagement through understanding the flexibilization- regional resilience nexus, Project YouthShare

The report is based on empirical data – qualitative data – generated in the participating countries – Greece, Cyprus, Italy and Spain – and analysis of statistical data sets focusing...
Policy papers Greece English Document Website

Treasure Box for Mentors and other Support Persons in European Solidarity Corps for VOLUNTEERIG PROJECTS

The ‘Treasure Box for Mentors…’ treasure box has been developed under the Erasmus + EVS Realm: Masters of the Learning Path project. This project aims to enhance the mentoring skills...
Tools and resources Belgium Cyprus Poland Romania English Document Ebook Video

TreasureBox for Mentors

This is a collection of 26 working methods and activities that mentors and other support persons can use in different phases of the mentoring relationship, depending on their needs and...
Tools and resources Germany English Document

Ung i jobb

A program for youth between 18-30 that live in Bærum Municipality offering career guidance counselling, help with CV's and job applications, networking and other support. Each participant has their own...
Projects Norway Norwegian Website

University College Cork Alumni Mentorship Handbook (2021)

This is a comprehensive handbook for the alumni mentorship programme by the university college Cork. The document addresses frequently asked questions, provides guidelines for mentor and mentee and a mentorship...
Policy papers Ireland English Document

Unlocking young women’s economic potential through digital mentoring in India

Policy brief that demonstrates how a digital mentoring policy and practice ecosystem can attract a range of stakeholders to support the transition of young Indian women from tertiary education into...
Policy papers India English Document

Urban Youth (UY) What It Takes E-Mentoring Initiative

Pairs mentors with backgrounds in business, finance, technology, medicine, law, and athletics- with young men in urban areas between the ages 14-18. Mentors provide emotional and academic support (in person...
Projects USA English Document Website

Virtual Youth Employment Office

This platform brings together individual and collective accompaniment services for unemployed young people aged 16 to 35 to boost their insertion in the labour market with the help of employment...
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Social network Website

Volunteer management handbook

This handbook on volunteer management was compiled in the context of the project VOAHR - Voluntariado Organizado para uma Ação Humanitária de Referência (Organised Volunteering for a Humanitarian Action of...
Tools and resources Portugal Portuguese Document

You(th) Power for Employment

The Project aims to develop the soft skills of young people as a means to tackle unemployment among youngsters. Non-formal educational methods have been used to highlight the importance of...
Good practices Cyprus English Greek Social network

Youth Arts Mentoring Toolkit

This is a resource for people engaged in mentoring in a young arts setting. It addresses both mentors and mentees, youth theatres or any other arts organization looking to develop...
Tools and resources Ireland English Document Website

Youth in Rural Development

The project was a training course promoting innovative skills, knowledge and attitudes on individual level and supporting of disadvantaged young people from rural areas in their personal development leading to...
Good practices Cyprus English Website

Youth mentoring across professional settings: a pedagogic approach

This thesis by Shaun T. Morgan from the University of Derby is a very comprehensive document that analysis many aspects of youth mentoring in different profession settings. This abstract summarizes...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches United Kingdom English Document

ZING Programme

Programme designed to break the cycle of poverty by promoting education and thus transforming the lives of young people who have not been able to access the world of training...
Good practices Spain Spanish Website
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